If Jesus died for our sins, explain how that works!

Once, when discussing the possibility of eternal life, someone asked me, “If Jesus died for our sins, how does that work? It’s illogical; it doesn’t make any sense. Everyone dies sooner or later, so how do you explain the mechanics; how can one man’s death save billions of others that have already died or will …

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End Times: the Bible says we’ll see these things happen soon

One time, after a brief discussion about the Book of Revelation, a new Christian convert asked me why the ‘End Times’ were only discussed in New Testament scripture. Over a couple of cups of coffee, I explained that a previous catastrophic ending of human civilization is documented in the Old Testament, and a prediction of …

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Elohim: God or gods?

“Do you believe aliens are among us?” For a Christian minister, that question arises more often than you might imagine. We are not considering foreign nationals illegally breaching our country’s borders; we are discussing intelligent beings other than human, originating outside of the earth’s boundaries. Or, maybe, they are coming from another dimension or realm …

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What does it mean when the Bible says God ‘translated’ someone?

According to widespread Christian preaching, God took two people to heaven without them first dying. Why and how this was done is not answered in scripture, just that they were here one moment and not the next. There is, however, a Greek term for this event; it is said that God ‘translated’ them to his …

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The Book of Enoch and Its Influence on Christian Thought

To quote from Bob Dylan’s 1964 song, “the times they are a-changin’.” That certainly describes the world today, including what is happening within the Christian church. While a few church groups remain stylishly prudish or unemotionally static, others have become ‘woke’ and weakened by welcoming ungodly beliefs and unchristian activities. No one can say there …

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Crucifixion thoughts & How did they get the nails out?

Crucifixion became an important method of capital punishment in the Roman Republic from the 6th century BC and continuing for several hundred years after Christ’s death. This execution style was finally abolished in the Roman Empire, during the 4th century AD, by Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor of Rome.1 When first originated by …

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An aftermath of Sodom and Gomorrah: the Rape of Lot

You can read about Lot and his family, along with the destruction of the kingdoms of Sodom and Gomorrah (c. 2000 BC) in Genesis, chapter 19. Our website already has a deep study of this disastrous event (see References & Notes for a link),1 but this present discourse analyses only the rape of Lot by …

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In the News: A Midwife at Jesus’ Birth

The name of Salome, one of the midwives attending Jesus’ birth, has been found written within a cave in Israel. The four thousand square feet (372 sq. meters) cave was constructed around two-thousand years ago and is one of the most impressive ever discovered. First discovered in the 1980s, it has recently been connected with …

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The Magi (Three Kings) – a Difference Between Truth and Tradition

The story of the Magi (also called the Three Wise Men or Three Kings) can be found in The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, chapter 2, verses 1–12. These important travelers were searching for Jesus, and they carried gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to present to him. The Magi are part of traditional nativity …

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Manna – What is It?

The title of this article is a ‘play on words’ because of its redundancy; it is my way of having a little fun. Let me explain. I recently read an article by a woman who reflected upon a story from her early years of marriage. She wrote, “When my husband and I were first married …

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