
Give, and it will be given to you.
Luke 6:38, ESV

We can use your help . . .

We sell no products or services and we accept no advertising on this Christian website. No membership is required to access the materials; it is all free to read and free to share. So, financial support for the operation of this Christian ministry is provided entirely by its workers and the free-will gifts of those who wish to see our work continue.

There are no paid positions and all physical work provided is completely voluntary, but we can use monetary help for other expenses we incur: website hosting expenses, internet provider services, maintenance and security, computer related expenses, office and research expenses, etc. Please help, if you can.

Most gifts donated are between US$10 and US$50, but even a dollar or two will help us. Thank you.

By providing a monetary gift, you are taking an active part in helping others to understand the knowledge contained in, and related to, the Holy Bible.


Send currency, checks, or money orders.

Cash or currency donations are acceptable.   Your local currency/money is acceptable from any country in the world. Send by envelope to the address listed below.

Checks and money orders should be drafted as payable to:  Rev. Ray Hermann

Donations from within the United States, please send currency, checks, or money orders.

Donations from outside the United States, please send currency or international money orders payable in U.S. dollars  through a U.S. financial institution only. Draft as payable to Rev. Ray Hermann. (We are unable to accept personal checks from outside the USA.)

Send to:

Rev. Ray Hermann
2421 Madrona Street
Bellingham, WA  98225
United States of America


Every dollar helps us. Thank you.


To be totally free from government intervention or dictate, we are not an IRS section 501(c)(3) organization.

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Look for the lock in the address bar.


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