If Jesus died for our sins, explain how that works!

Once, when discussing the possibility of eternal life, someone asked me, “If Jesus died for our sins, how does that work? It’s illogical; it doesn’t make any sense. Everyone dies sooner or later, so how do you explain the mechanics; how can one man’s death save billions of others that have already died or will …

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Is it Proper to call Jesus Christ our Brother?

The words ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ are used throughout the Bible in many ways: a fellow human; a blood relation; a colleague; a disciple or follower; someone of the same faith.1 While all these descriptions are relevant for our study, it is the last two mentioned that are specifically acknowledged if we label ourselves as brothers …

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Elohim: God or gods?

“Do you believe aliens are among us?” For a Christian minister, that question arises more often than you might imagine. We are not considering foreign nationals illegally breaching our country’s borders; we are discussing intelligent beings other than human, originating outside of the earth’s boundaries. Or, maybe, they are coming from another dimension or realm …

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What does it mean when the Bible says God ‘translated’ someone?

According to widespread Christian preaching, God took two people to heaven without them first dying. Why and how this was done is not answered in scripture, just that they were here one moment and not the next. There is, however, a Greek term for this event; it is said that God ‘translated’ them to his …

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What is God’s Divine Council?

For a moment, let us speculate about something on the fringe of biblical knowledge. Unlike other animals, God Almighty gave humans a brain with the unique ability to construct logical possibilities, so let’s do that. Since it is good to expand our opinions and think ‘outside the box’ once in a while, we will call …

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Describing God and his Son – Not who, but WHAT are they?

Over the years, I’ve often been asked to describe God and Jesus; not who they are, but what they are. We humans are technically highly-formed creatures of the animal kingdom on earth, but how would we describe our creators, for they didn’t originate from our tiny and insignificant planet, in this vast universe that seems …

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Coming: An Awakening to a New Reality

Many of my articles address the fact that evil currently rules our world. Evil people with evil thoughts are using evil ways to convert God’s property into an evil planet for evil purposes. This injustice has been around since long before the event in the Garden of Eden that caused humankind’s path to drift away …

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Manna – What is It?

The title of this article is a ‘play on words’ because of its redundancy; it is my way of having a little fun. Let me explain. I recently read an article by a woman who reflected upon a story from her early years of marriage. She wrote, “When my husband and I were first married …

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David Fights Goliath: A Lesson of Courage and Faith — 1 Samuel 17

If you have ever attended a church Sunday school (or synagogue Hebrew school) as a child, you probably already know the story of David and Goliath. This tale is the chronicle of a young Hebrew shepherd boy, who killed a Philistine giant on the battlefield, some three thousand years ago. This Bible story is told …

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Saul Visits the Witch of Endor: 1 Samuel 28

In ancient cultures, most practitioners of supernatural skills were men. They were the religious officials of various pagan cults, who were considered ritual specialists in the magical arts. It wasn’t until later, during medieval times, that a witch was considered a person who performed harmful supernatural acts against others. And, the introduction of demonic forces …

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