Saul Visits the Witch of Endor: 1 Samuel 28

In ancient cultures, most practitioners of supernatural skills were men. They were the religious officials of various pagan cults, who were considered ritual specialists in the magical arts. It wasn’t until later, during medieval times, that a witch was considered a person who performed harmful supernatural acts against others. And, the introduction of demonic forces …

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How to Handle Bad News and Stressful Times

We have all been profoundly affected by the current coronavirus pandemic. Psychological surveys indicate one result of this global crisis is a growing mental health emergency, the consequences of which may be felt for years to come.1 And new medical problems, resulting from the untested, experimental, and sometimes forced mass vaccination of the population, compound …

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Fruit of the Spirit – Works of the Flesh

While most Christians believe that the Ten Commandments are essential to their faith, some believe the other laws given in the Old Testament are irrelevant. They say that Christians are not bound by the Law of Moses. One person with this attitude raised the question, “What was the purpose of the law, if we no …

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Biological Machines are Coming — Is this God’s Will?

Lately, research shows that drawing a line between where being human ends and being a machine begins is becoming harder to establish. It seems that fictional characters like ‘Data’ (Day-ta) or the ‘Borg’, of Star Trek, may not be fictional in the future. A couple of years ago, I wrote an article about Artificial Intelligence …

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The Coming Great Deception — Matthew 24:24

Many Christian writers and some Christian preachers keep bringing up the idea that we are living in the ‘end times’ as described in the Bible. The evidence for this possibility is well established and many Christians believe what these writers and preachers are saying. But what, exactly, are the ‘end times’? If you don’t know …

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Yes, you are being deceived — We all are!

Do you believe in devils and demons? Do you believe in invisible spirits who roam the earth entrapping people to do Satan’s will? Do you believe these entities are very real intelligent living beings, or do you believe they are they just metaphors used for people with evil personalities? Once someone asked me how, in …

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Experimenting with transhumanism and achieving immortality — Is this all part of God’s plan?

I’ve been around a while on this planet; I was born in the early 1940s and I’ve seen a lot of changes since then. In childhood, I remember phones that had no dial and we told the operator what number we wanted to call. We had no refrigerator, but only an ‘icebox’ for which we …

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Puzzle Solved: Here is Jesus’ Birth Date, and the Date of Mary’s Conception, too.

Anyone, who has done a deep and serious study into a subject within the Bible, knows that possible answers to questions sometimes only surface when you discern between what scripture doesn’t say, compared to what it does say. Also, they realize most of the stories contained in the Bible are written in a very condensed …

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The First Sin: Whose fault was it, Adam’s or Eve’s?

Soon after our first human couple were created in the Garden of Eden, they violated God’s only rule. They sinned by doing something that God told them not to do. So, which one was at fault — upon whom should we place the blame? One of them must have been responsible for this first transgression, …

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Satan’s Strategies of Attack — How to Protect Yourself

When we come face-to-face with a moral decision, we sometimes make the wrong judgement call and compound a problem, rather than solve it. Many then just chalk it up to human nature and move on. Others, however, will feel some guilt, at least for a while. If you include yourself in this latter group (guilt), …

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