If Jesus died for our sins, explain how that works!

Once, when discussing the possibility of eternal life, someone asked me, “If Jesus died for our sins, how does that work? It’s illogical; it doesn’t make any sense. Everyone dies sooner or later, so how do you explain the mechanics; how can one man’s death save billions of others that have already died or will …

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The First Sin: Whose fault was it, Adam’s or Eve’s?

Soon after our first human couple were created in the Garden of Eden, they violated God’s only rule. They sinned by doing something that God told them not to do. So, which one was at fault — upon whom should we place the blame? One of them must have been responsible for this first transgression, …

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What do you mean, Christ died for our sins?

When the question is asked about why did Jesus need to die, it is usually answered, “He died for our sins.” Few people ask for further explanation, but when some do they get such answers as: “So that we could be forgiven,” or “He gave his life for ours.” While those answers may be correct, …

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