What if there is no Rapture of the Church?

There are coming days of judgements mentioned in most religions, but this being a Christian website, that is where we will put our focus. But even within the followers of Jesus Christ, beliefs about the last days can get rather confusing with an abundance of ideas, theories, and doctrine within the dozens of Christian denominations. …

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The Last Days and End of the World: Are they Near?

We hear Christian preachers talk about the Last Days a lot. Generally, many modern Christian denominations teach that the ‘last days’ are a short period of time prior to the end of the world. At that time, Jesus makes his promised return to rapture the righteous into heaven as angels where they join previous believers …

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Do we go to Heaven when we die? Do people see Heaven during a Near Death Experience?

I recently received a letter from a visitor to our website who was writing because an article conflicted with what they had been taught. She wrote, “Jesus said ‘I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; …

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