Jesus’ Mother was a Virgin — What? Is That Even Possible?

Could Mary, mother of Jesus, really have been a pregnant virgin? Although a basic tenet of Christianity, many still find the virgin birth a stumbling block in their faith. We will take a scientific look at this extraordinary event. This is an article that has been in the making for twenty-five years. Well, not continually, …

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About the Outlaw Bible Student (OBS) website: Our journey has been a good one.

I have received some questions about The Outlaw Bible Student (OBS) website; this happens from time-to-time. People want to know more about us and if the OBS is popular outside the United States and, if so, how many countries does it cover, and things like that. I’m not sure why they want to know, but …

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What are Demons and the Nephilim? — and that Mayhem before the Flood of Noah?

I have written about Satan, his fallen angels, and have even mentioned the nephilim in past articles, now we will study the basics concerning demons and their creation. There is a lot of confusion about demonic creatures, which I believe is caused by the misuse of terms identifying these creatures in Christian churches, as well …

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God, Aliens, & UFOs

Someone asked me, the other day, if I believed that aliens were here. They weren’t talking about legal or illegal people from a foreign country living in the United States, but of intelligent beings, other than human, from outside the earth’s boundaries. This isn’t the first time I’ve been asked this question and it is …

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Quantum Entanglement: Wacky Physics or God’s Design?

Science Reveals God’s Majesty Series. I do not believe that science is the enemy of faith, but that science and Christian doctrine can be accommodated together. So all through my life I studied science and feel what I’ve learned has given me a better and closer relationship with my heavenly Father. In a book titled …

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Sin, DNA, and Our Intelligent Heart

Science Reveals God’s Majesty Series Continuing with my Science Reveals God’s Majesty series, I present this revised extract from a previous lengthy article on things science has discovered about God’s great creations. In this essay, we discover some awesome facts about the human heart as well as our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).1 The Bible tells us …

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Will A.I. & Transhumanism Replace God — What is Your Opinion?

There is a movement afoot to establish a new religious perspective. Instead of God being the rightful higher power we believe in, it would be Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). As A.I. technology moves toward becoming smarter than humans, many feel it will become godlike and they have visions of merging this super intelligence with humans to …

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Biocommunication & Prayer: Science Reveals God’s Majesty

Most people believe science and religion don’t mix, but I’ve always believed that God set up this universe with specific physical laws to lay out the reality we live in, and part of our purpose is to learn these laws and use them to benefit humankind. Sometime back, I wrote a rather lengthy discourse about …

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Mind Reading & Retrieving Memories After Death: What Do You Think?

Here is some news about a strange new technology that seems like it is right out of a science fiction movie. Scientists in Israel have made a remarkable discovery that may unlock memories after people die. Dr. Ami Citri of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem was part of a team researching memory formation in mice. …

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What do you think about the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

The world is about to change and the coming new age will be very different from the one in which we are now living. I recently viewed an interesting YouTube video titled “Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming” (by Aaron and Melissa Dykes) about new technological changes coming our way called the Fourth Industrial …

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