This world has many evil leaders representing all aspects of government and industry. And for a long time, most of these leaders have been devising greedy and deceiving schemes and incorporating dark secrets designed to obtain control of important assets as well as people.
These leaders wish not to help anyone, but only to enrich themselves at others’ expense, and this type of iniquity has been going on for millennia. I wrote several years ago1 that such hidden sinfulness would eventually be exposed as the Holy Bible predicted, and that revealing has begun.
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During the time our Lord walked the earth, two thousand years ago, Jesus sparked an awakening when he exposed the deceit and evil of hypocrisy within Judaism. Speaking of the hypocritical errors of Jewish leaders in his time — the religious Pharisees — the Book of Luke reports Jesus saying the following.
“Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, that is, their hypocrisy. Nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed from the housetops,” (Luke 12:1b-3, NRSV).2
The Pharisees thought, just as the world leaders of today do, that they could get away with their evil strategies just by hiding them from the public. But God sees everything and eventually, he will make sure we do too. Everyone will be judged and held accountable, as everyone is responsible for their own decisions and will bare the consequences.3
Implications of the current lying, deceit, and coverups in our modern governmental, corporate, celebrity, and church institutions are that those who want this planet under their complete control are actively in the process of accomplishing what they have set out to do. And that is to bring about a new world order controlled by their god Satan. By hiding their activities, they conceal their true character which is an act of hypocrisy.4 The serpent used this same strategy in the garden of Eden.
Fortunately, many Christians are now beginning to wake up and discern the true character of those wishing to manipulate the world into a place without moral and ethical values. Although that is wonderful news, my concern is that many of the secrets soon to be uncovered may stumble and blind-side many otherwise good people, causing a shaking of their faith.
There may be ensuing chaos as some well-kept knowledge is revealed, over the next few years. There could be a global crisis of belief and trust, as we learn some true facts concerning our world that may shakeup the perceived reality of our human past. We have been deceived about much of the truth about humanity’s origins and it is all going to come to light.5
And, it’s not just the true origins of humanity that have been hidden, but many other things too. Information is now being leaked out about the dirty history of many Hollywood celebrities, politicians, and religious leaders who prey on and traffic children. And there will be hard-to-believe facts about our ancient history with which to cope, as well as possible geological6 changes coming to the world.
In other areas we will learn about amazing scientific discoveries kept secret for decades, some of which may have been reverse-engineered from strange sources: free or low-cost energy, gravity-defying flying craft, and even more exotic technologies.

Along with the unveiling of new truths, there will also be more lies and deception, as leaders try to cover their own tracks, so don’t let the coming new knowledge shake your faith in God. It will be our job to sift through all the new information and make the proper decisions allowing us to survive as faithful members of the church. We must be careful not to get caught up in the devil’s deception.
Satan’s influence on this earth is soon to end so he knows he has but little time to accomplish his mission to completely deceive humanity. He knows there is only a small window of opportunity before he will be imprisoned.
“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and locked and sealed it over him, so that he would deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be let out for a little while,” (Revelation 20:1-3).
A New Learning Curve
As we acquire the new knowledge, we need not throw away our past beliefs, but merely make room to slide-in more information to help it all make sense. In other words, examine all that is coming to light and process it before believing anything, then take the facts and slowly weave them into your faith. The coming mind-bending knowledge will be necessary to set the historical records straight, before God’s new Millennial Age begins. Our Lord wants the coming new age to progress based upon truth and facts, not deceit and lies as previous ages have been.
We will all have a learning curve of sorts. Acquiring new knowledge is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. It takes time to examine everything as we put the pieces together; it is slow to begin with, but speeds up as the picture begins to come into focus.
For example, when we went through school in our childhood, each year we learned bits and pieces of knowledge. By the time we graduated, it had all come together so we achieved a higher level of intelligence, logic, and understanding. And since leaving those early educational institutions, we have sometimes gained new knowledge that made us question what we had previously learned. This is the normal process of human thinking and having free will — we get to make choices in what to believe from the information we learned.7
This process happened to the apostles during Jesus’ ministry too. They did not fully understand the complete picture of why our Lord came to earth, until after Jesus was murdered and arose from the dead. So, let’s not be discouraged during the coming unveiling of truth; let’s not allow the outpouring of information to weaken our faith. We must wait until all the information is out in the open to investigate, then we will be able to wrap our minds around the newfound data. Take it all in first, then let your faith guide you. I guess what I’m trying to say is nobody should get all wrapped-up in first impressions.

Personally, I sometimes apply a favorite analogy to the coming events of chaos and confusion. It is an old cowboy phrase I used when giving speeches about decision making. I would plead, “Wait until the smoke clears to see how it all turns out.” That saying derived from gun fights in the pioneer days of the western United States. There was a lot of smoke created from the black-powder revolvers in a shoot out, and each side had to wait until the smoke cloud cleared before they could determine how all the action went down.8
I’m not telling you what to believe . . .
I’ve heard it said, “If it isn’t in the Bible, then it can’t be true,” more times than I can remember. But let’s face it, God only tells us what we need to know in the Bible. Every happening, every conversation, every thought needed not be recorded; the Bible is an overview with details provided only if necessary. He gives us enough information so we can grasp the ideas, and then do our own research to expand on this knowledge, if necessary.9
Another author presented this idea when referencing the simple description in the Old Testament Bible that says: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” (Genesis 1:1, ESV).10 He said, “Whenever it is stated that God ‘made’ the earth and the heavens, or any part thereof, it is referring to the restoration of the immediate heavens and earth sometime after the pre-Adamite destruction portrayed in the second verse [of Genesis].”
About that extremely short biblical description of a major event, the author continued, “At the Harvard Weider Library they have 200,000 books on development of the universe: cosmology, chemistry, thermodynamics, paleontology, archaeology, and [the] high-energy physics of creation. That is only one library with the countless books that mention creation. The fact is that a close reading of the [Bible] text makes it clear that there’s information hidden and folded into layers below the surface.”11
I’m not telling you what to believe, all I’m saying is that a collision in thought is fast approaching, so I am only throwing out possibilities gleaned from the beliefs, theories, and opinions floating around academic circles and quiet talk in some private Christian meetings. Additionally, there are currently reports of mind-bending scientific discoveries from institution whistleblowers. I’ll be keeping my faith in God’s divine plan and gathering additional information as these new discoveries make their way to the public’s eyes and ears.
One thing is certain even at this time, there can only be one true religion. Call it whatever you will, but no religion can ever be true if people can pick and choose from a variety of conflicting options, as is now the case. But, whatever soon comes to light, I’ll thank God for allowing me to experience this turning point in our human history and understanding.
The Old Testament scriptures brought humankind from creation, through the catastrophe of the Great Flood, and up to the time of Christ. The New Testament scriptures bring us from the time of Christ to this current point in history. And now we are about to enter a new turning point in our relationship with God; some will accept it, others will not, just as it has happened in the past. Let us not be afraid, and let us keep our faith as our promised new world unfolds. Seek the Kingdom of God first and you will be a part of the new age to soon arrive.
Are Aliens Going to Arrive on Earth?

Many people believe in a possible alien or otherworldly contact with life on earth very soon. And, by Christian teaching, that could be absolutely true, for God, angels, and Satan are all off-world life forms. Demons, while they do collaborate in doing the devil’s work, have always been earthlings, for they are the result of hybrids created on earth during the days of Noah. For a study on demons, see the article titled “What are Demons and the Nephilim? — and that Mayhem before the Flood of Noah?” listed in References & Notes.12
But what about physical aliens — humanoid or not — living in societies on other planets around distant stars, and coming to earth in spacecraft, or entering our world from some other spacial or temporal dimension? Could some extraterrestrial representatives be messiah-like entities that will save us from destruction and cleanse the earth and give us eternal life? Or is that only a far-fetched crazy idea from sci-fi movies?
In the past, listening to mainstream news sources and government intelligence agencies always implied that this sort of notion was kind of goofy, but times are changing. Some credible people have uncovered and leaked interesting documents which lend credibility to such thoughts. Today, many people around the world believe in alien life on other planets and the numbers of such believers are increasing.
There are even plenty of very important and well-know scientists who also believe in alien life, and more reporting the same, as time goes on. I’m not going to give a long list of names, but will mention one such man, who was a very well-known academic.
Cambridge scientist Francis Crick (along with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins), received a Nobel Prize in 196213 for discovering the double helical structure of DNA.14 So, Crick was no ‘nut job’ but a highly intelligent British molecular biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist (although nonreligious and especially critical of Christianity).15

Anyway, Crick was a proponent of a theory that still remains in the fringe of scientific thought, the theory of ‘directed panspermia’. Panspermia — meaning ‘seeds everywhere’ — suggests life on Earth originated from space and that our world was seeded by microorganism spores traveling between planets. But Crick (together with Leslie Orgel) “postulated a variant of the theory in which spores were transported by an interplanetary spaceship sent by an alien civilization.”16
My point is that alien life, besides the biblical spiritual kind, isn’t just some ignorant idea. Even the mainstream media is getting a bit more serious about this subject and the U.S. government is not being as secretive as it once was, concerning this topic. Today, as I write this article, news organizations are now covering many current reports of UFOs, orbs, and drones in our skies.
What if governments of the world were to announce that space aliens are real and that they are here now and have always been here? Or, what if we are told that some advanced entities from another galaxy created the life on this world and have now returned to help us solve our problems, and cure our diseases, and extend our lives? Would you believe them?
Many people, including Christians, would. Will it happen? I don’t know, but to be honest, I think it is a real possibility, for there is evidence of such a plot afoot. I believe God and I believe Jesus Christ, and I believe what the Bible says, but I will not randomly believe anything that the United States government (or any other national government) tells me.
This isn’t saying I don’t believe in alien life forms or that they have visited earth in the past, or maybe even live here now. But besides aliens, any evidence could just as well be demons, or something other than that, or it could be a governmental psychological operation (psyop) of deception. I’m not going to immediately accept any government’s announcement as true, when they have lied about such things for seventy-five years. In the past, our government officials — and even the news media — ridiculed people who believed in other worldly contacts; just reporting a UFO sighting would bring a sneering response.17
Let’s face it; governments are not outside Satan’s entrapment. Have you ever thought of what ‘fruit of the spirit’ (Galatians 5:22–23) our government leaders foster? It’s not much! The same goes for large corporations, especially ones that associate with governments — and medical organizations, universities, and churches, too. (See the article “Fruit of the Spirit – Works of the Flesh” listed in References & Notes.)18
I have been waiting more than eight years to write this article. The main idea of presenting it now is because there appears to be a real push to bring these hidden things out into the open by concerned moral citizens. This group attitude is an indication that there is very little time left before the beginning of the Millennial Age. The remnant group of God’s people are freely and independently working to help all they can to bring as many good people as possible into the new world of God’s Kingdom on earth under the rule of Christ Jesus our King. Revelation events have already begun, which means Satan’s evil has increased, while his time of influence is shortened.
The song selected for this article is End of the World performed by Canadian rapper Tom MacDonald and American country musician John Rich. Although this video, about an alien invasion, is fun to watch, the lyrics are serious and a selection is listed below. Music video information with a link is listed in References & Notes.19
Feels like the end is near, our freedom’s disappearing,
People playing God, call it genetic engineering,
Media misleading us, and evil’s interfering,
While the government we need, became the power that we’re fearing.
Judgment Day is coming, you can run, or you can stand and fight;
Panic in the dark or lead rebellions by the candlelight.
This ain’t your granddaddy’s Planet Earth, it’s black and white,
The end is coming, I’ll see y’all in the afterlife.
Copyright © 2025, Dr. Ray Hermann
** The featured top photo for this article is used under Creative Commons Copyright License; from
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References & Notes
- Hermann, Ray, “Secrets Will be Revealed: A Bible Study”, (The Outlaw Bible Student, OBS, 15 April 2022),
- Unless otherwise noted, scripture is quoted from The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989). Used with permission.
- Goertz, Greg, “There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed”, (The Way, 20 October 2017),
- hypocrisy: dishonesty; insincerity; pretense
Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 11th ed., (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2008). - High, Clif, “dojo -> faith”, (Explorers’ Guide to SciFi World, 28 April 2022) – VIDEO LECTURE:
NOTE: the part related to the quotes in this article start at approx. 18 minutes into the video. - Hermann, Ray, “End Times: the Bible says we’ll see these things happen soon”, (The Outlaw Bible Student, OBS, 27 November 2024),
- Hermann, Ray, “Coming: An Awakening to a New Reality”, (The Outlaw Bible Student, OBS, 3 May 2022),
- Ibid.
- Hermann, Ray, “Foreknowledge, Predestination, and Free Will – Did God Know Humans Would Fail?” (The Outlaw Bible Student, OBS, 23 September 2018),
- The Holy Bible: English Standard Version, (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016).
- Solum, Celeste, “The Pre-Adamic World”, (Shepherds Heart, 18 April 2018),
- Hermann, Ray “What are Demons and the Nephilim? — and that Mayhem before the Flood of Noah?” (The Outlaw Bible Student, OBS, 29 October 2019),
- “Who Discovered DNA”, (Explorable, retrieved 23 March 2021),
- DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid; The genetic information carried in the molecule called DNA determines every inherited physical characteristic of every living thing.
“DNA” (Encyclopedia Britannica, retrieved 23 March 2021), - “Francis Crick”, (Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 March 2021),
- “Francis Crick and Directed Panspermia”, (Of Bacteria and Men, 5 August 2012),
- Hermann, Ray, “God, Aliens, & UFOs”, (The Outlaw Bible Student, OBS, 16 June 2019),
- Hermann, Ray, “Fruit of the Spirit – Works of the Flesh”, (The Outlaw Bible Student, OBS, 11 June 2021),
- “End of the World”, Artists: Tom MacDonald & John Rich; Songwriter/Producer: Tom MacDonald; Director: Nova Rockafeller, Jared Potter, (uploaded to YouTube 17 March 2023, no copyright noted – assumed to be Tom MacDonald), Used under ‘fair use of copyright’ for comment, teaching, scholarship, and research under Section 107 of the United States Copyright Act of 1976 — MUSIC VIDEO:
I read a earlier essay you wrote on this subject from April 2022, but thought it was a bit far fetched. Then I read this one and see what you said is begin to come true.
Thank you for reading this article and for the earlier one you mentioned too. I appreciate your contribution to the comment section.
Thank you for the article it was very good…
And I thank you for your nice comment.