Quantum Entanglement: Wacky Physics or God’s Design?

Science Reveals God’s Majesty Series. I do not believe that science is the enemy of faith, but that science and Christian doctrine can be accommodated together. So all through my life I studied science and feel what I’ve learned has given me a better and closer relationship with my heavenly Father. In a book titled …

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What is the Soul: is it a Spirit or something else?

I’ve tried to write this article several times, over the last couple of years, and always ended up putting it aside “until later.” Even this time I started to repeat my frustration, realizing that even a few thousand words could not explain this subject properly, but I persevered by believing what scant information I could …

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Ephesians 6: Evil Cosmic Powers & the Armor of God

The New Testament book of Ephesians was written to the Christians in Ephesus and explains what the Christian Church is and how its members should behave. Most commentators credit the apostle Paul with authorship, but there is some debate about that. And although many dates have been given, it was probably written between 60–63 A.D. …

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What is God’s View on Ghosts, Channeling, and Spiritism?

Do you believe in ghosts? According to the Huffington Post, nearly half of Americans do. A HuffPost poll “shows that 45 percent of Americans believe in ghosts, or that the spirits of dead people can come back in certain places and situations.”1 In the U.K., 52 percent of respondents indicated that they believed in ghosts, …

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When the sons of God were having sexual relations with the daughters of humankind — the story of the Nephilim

All of the pastors that I’ve ever heard giving a sermon on Genesis chapter 6, started with Genesis 6:5. When I asked why they skipped the first four verses, I usually got one of three answers: (1) “they aren’t important to the story,” (2) “they are too complicated for the congregation to understand,” or (3) …

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Sin, DNA, and Our Intelligent Heart

Science Reveals God’s Majesty Series Continuing with my Science Reveals God’s Majesty series, I present this revised extract from a previous lengthy article on things science has discovered about God’s great creations. In this essay, we discover some awesome facts about the human heart as well as our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).1 The Bible tells us …

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Is that Gut Feeling a Message from God?

Science Reveals God’s Majesty Series I remembered hearing, on the news some time back, of someone having experienced apprehension when arriving at the airport to board a plane and decided not to travel. You can see where I’m going with this; yes the plane crashed and she avoided death. I’ve never had such a dramatic …

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Should a Christian Celebrate Halloween?

Fall has arrived, as I write this, and the once-bright green leaves on trees are beginning to change into a variety of brilliant colors. Before long, the city streets and rural highways will be lined with many shades of splendid yellows, oranges, reds, and browns. For me, Fall always seems to come and go at …

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Biocommunication & Prayer: Science Reveals God’s Majesty

Most people believe science and religion don’t mix, but I’ve always believed that God set up this universe with specific physical laws to lay out the reality we live in, and part of our purpose is to learn these laws and use them to benefit humankind. Sometime back, I wrote a rather lengthy discourse about …

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Dr. Jehovah

My oldest daughter asked me, not long ago, if I thought God was a scientist. Most people believe science and religion don’t mix, so being a believer of our Creator, she probably had a recent religious discussion with a work mate. That usually is the background event leading up to asking dad for his opinion. …

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