Jesus’ Mother was a Virgin — What? Is That Even Possible?

Could Mary, mother of Jesus, really have been a pregnant virgin? Although a basic tenet of Christianity, many still find the virgin birth a stumbling block in their faith. We will take a scientific look at this extraordinary event. This is an article that has been in the making for twenty-five years. Well, not continually, …

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Ephesians 6:12: Satan, Fallen Angels, & Demons — the Real Enemies of Our Faith

This article is on the bizarre side, but I ask for your patience and to please give it some serious thought. What I present is in your Bible and there is supporting evidence in other religious and academic texts that are all referenced. All I ask is that you keep an open mind, think outside …

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It is Time to Get Right with God — End of Age Events are Starting

A lot of bad things have been happening in the world recently and each day seems to be worse than the previous one. Where is this world headed? The quarantine and social distancing, brought on by the viral pandemic, have become not a protection, but a punishment of solitary confinement and fear. Governments have used …

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‘If I touch even his garments, I will be made well’ — The Faith of that Woman with an Issue of Blood

Evidence of faithful people is infused within the Holy Bible — throughout both the Hebrew and the Christian scriptures. But how do we describe ‘faith’? What, exactly, is it? There are many definitions of what is ‘faith’. An online encyclopedia states it is simply a belief without evidence, such as a trust in a person, …

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God’s Second Commandment — and the Four Generations Curse

After the enslaved Israelites were delivered out of Egypt, ten major commands were given by God to Moses upon Mount Sinai. This was part of the contract or covenant between God and his people and it introduced fundamental rules for worship and social ethics. These rules were written upon two tablets of stone called the …

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The Science of Sin — is Evil Inherited?

Science Reveals God’s Majesty Series Some time ago, I tried to explain the concept of inherited sin to someone. I went through the whole spiel, you know, about Adam and Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden. I explained that it was at that point in history when sin (a rebellious nature or …

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About the Outlaw Bible Student (OBS) website: Our journey has been a good one.

I have received some questions about The Outlaw Bible Student (OBS) website; this happens from time-to-time. People want to know more about us and if the OBS is popular outside the United States and, if so, how many countries does it cover, and things like that. I’m not sure why they want to know, but …

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Just thinking out loud about this Coronavirus and the Bible — Is there something suspicious going on?

I always enjoy listening to other people’s ideas and thoughts, because one never knows when something may be heard that was never considered before. If someone has a better idea or a better grasp of some issue, knowing what they think helps me, too. And sometimes, knowing more about them, I am able to offer …

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Combat Your Fear and Defeat Anxiety with Prayer: How to Handle COVID-19

I don’t know what our world will be like when you read this article, but at this time, while I’m writing it, most of the world’s population is in a state of high anxiety over a pandemic1 virus sweeping the globe. Whether this turmoil is deserved or not, will be evident sooner or later, I …

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The Apostles’ Creed — Why does it say Jesus Descended into Hell?

Part of the Apostles’ Creed of the Roman Catholic Church, in its latest translation of texts, states that Jesus “ . . . was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead. . . .” For about fifteen hundred years the Apostles’ Creed stated …

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