Why did God say: “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness?”

This article is short, but truly a study on the fringe of Christianity, something I am known to present. But it is just a study and examination of what a few others suppose. It is not suggested as doctrine or dogma — it is just something to make you think “outside of the box” and presented to stimulate your brain. Whether you believe any of it or not has little bearing upon your relationship with our Creator, but it will be interesting to hear your comments. Our study is in Genesis 1.

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”  (Genesis 1:26, ESV)

The use of the plural words “us” and “our” in this verse has created a lot of argument in Christian academia. It is not specified to whom it refers, but some authors and commentators suggest that God is talking to himself or that he is speaking with other members of the Trinity. That is absurd in my opinion, because there was no concept of the Trinity in the Old Testament, and even if there was, why would it be necessary for God to speak to himself or other parts of himself in a conversation? Also, the Jewish converts to Christianity in the first century did not express ideas of a Trinity, although modern Christian teachers seem to think so. “One would think that if the Trinity is correct, the Bible would present clear evidence in scripture and explain it throughly. There is no record of the Trinity doctrine ever being taught and, for being such an important part of Christian doctrine, it is striking that the word Trinity does not even appear in the Bible.”1

What is the Elohim?

The word “God” used in Genesis 1 is actually translated from the Hebrew word elohim.2 So, a more accurate translation of Genesis 1:26 would be as The Scriptures Bible version states, “And Elohim said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness . . . .’” (Genesis 1:26, TS).3 Elohim can be used for the plural  “gods” in the ordinary sense, as well as the Supreme God, so it is possible God was speaking to a group of which he belonged. “A simpler explanation is that ‘us’ reflects an announcement by the single God of Israel to a group in His presence—the heavenly host.”4 This heavenly host may have been part of, or the entire, divine council of heaven.

Biblical scholar Michael Heiser said that all entities called Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) in the Old Testament “have one thing in common: they are by nature not part of the world of humankind, a world of ordinary embodiment.” Elohim “…as a term describes residence—it identifies the proper domain of the entity described by it. Yahweh, the lesser gods, angels, demons, and the disembodied dead are all rightful inhabitants of the spiritual world.” This spiritual world, like our human world, has creatures of different rank and power. This heavenly host or divine council manage the affairs of heaven under the authority of Yahweh, the God of Israel.5

There are other places, too, that mention the concept of God’s divine council (see Genesis 3:22, 11:7, Isaiah 6:8). There is specific mention of council meetings in Job 1:6–12 and Job 2:1–5, “One day the heavenly beings came to present themselves before the LORD . . .” (NRSV).6 In Jeremiah 48:29, which has the LORD saying, “We have heard of the pride of Moab . . .” (NRSV), the “we” probably refers to Yahweh’s divine council. Even the New English Translation which uses the singular “I” in this verse (to avoid confusion of who the “we” are, they say), has a note indicating it really refers to a plural form.7 Personally, I think using the singular form wrongly, causes even more confusion to those searching for truth.

Two Heavenly Powers

At one time, during the Second Temple period (c. 516 BC to 70 AD), Jewish intellectuals thought of “two powers” as heavenly rulers, one visible and one invisible. This consisted of Yahweh at the top with two distinct personalities, basically two Yahwehs. One was supreme and the God of Israel and the other subordinate to him. The early Christians accepted this idea and considered Jesus as the second individual personality of Yahweh, but subordinate to the almighty God of Israel.

The new Jewish converts to Christianity worshiped both the God of Israel and Jesus of Nazareth. They thought both to be the “two powers” of the Jewish thinkers.8 Sometime later, the Jews declared this “two powers” authority as unorthodox, quite possibility as a political move to stem the growing Christian movement. This is an overly simplified explanation of a very complicated subject originally presented in scholarly form, but gives a nebulous overview of the thought.

Author and scholar, Michael Heiser, wrote, “In the Old Testament, God’s heavenly dwelling was also his headquarters, the place where he met with his council, the members of the heavenly host who served him in the administration of his creations. This is the context for the plural language of Genesis 1:26. God created human beings to reflect his image (i.e., represent him) just as the members of his heavenly host did.”9 Speaking of the term “our image,” this does not apply to a physical or material image, but to personality or nature or morality. One Bible commentary suggests that the emphasis of image means man was to be like God in creativity, decision making, compassion, and love.10

Others, also, think along these lines saying that Jesus pre-existed as one of the two ruling Yahwehs. It was Yahweh the Son who made visible appearances, whereas Yahweh the Father was always the invisible God; as an example, it was Yahweh the Son who appeared to Abraham and other patriarchs.11 Yahweh the Father created all things by way of Yahweh the Son, therefore it was the Father who was speaking to the Son when it was said in Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”12

An analogy may be considered by looking at “Yahweh” as being the corporate office staffed with a President-CEO (Almighty God) as the “top guy” and a Vice President-Manager (Jesus) as the “second in command.” Down the corporate hierarchy would be angels and other spiritual beings. I know, this is like comparing apples to oranges, but you get the general drift of this idea.

Now I present these different perspectives only for your entertainment. I’m not suggesting these views are right or wrong, only that some serious academics consider their possibility and I thought you may be interested, too. Many students of the Bible want to know the true nature of God and the spirit realm in which he lives. And to be honest, I always wondered about a possible “pecking order” among entities in that spirit world. Sometimes strange ideas help us understand and answer some of the questions we have.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Ray Hermann

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References & Notes

  1. Hermann, Ray, “Can you be a Christian and Not Believe in the Trinity?” (The Outlaw Bible Student, OBS, 28 July 2018), https://outlawbiblestudent.org/can-you-be-a-christian-and-not-believe-in-the-trinity/
  2. Strong’s Hebrew word #430. אֱלֹהִים ˒ĕlôhı̂ym – gods in the ordinary sense, used of the supreme God; and sometimes as a superlative:— angels, × exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), × (very) great, judges, × mighty.
    Strong, James, The New Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew and Greek Words, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1996).
  3. The Scriptures, (South Africa: Institute for Scripture Research, 2009).
  4. Barry, John D., et al., (eds.), Faithlife Study Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016), Ge 1:26.
  5. Ibid., “Divine Council,” by Michael S. Heiser.
  6. Elwell, Walter A., (ed.), Evangelical Commentary on the Bible, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1989), vol. 3, pp. 341-343.
  7. The NET Bible First Edition Notes (Biblical Studies Press, 2006), Je 48:29.
  8. Barry, John D., et. al., (eds.), Faithlife Study Bible, (Bellingham WA: Lexham Press, 2016), “Old Testament Godhead Language,” by Michael Heiser.
  9. Heiser, Michael S., The Bible Unfiltered: Approaching Scripture on Its Own Terms, (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2017), pp. 185-186.
  10. Barry, John D. et al., (eds.), Faithlife Study Bible, (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016), Ge 1:26.
  11. “The Preexistence of the Messiah,” (Garden Grove, CA: Qadesh La Yahweh Press, 2001), p. 1, http://yahweh.org/publications/articles/preexistence/preexistence_messiah.pdf
  12. Ibid., p. 4.

55 thoughts on “Why did God say: “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness?””

  1. The angels seen Jesus the son in the beginning. Only later in the New Testament was it revealed to us that Jesus was the image of the invisible God. The devil seen this Jesus in the flesh bleeding blood! Who is the son of God the Father in heaven who was always behind the veil in heaven the kingdom not made with hands. After this devil seen Jesus bleeding he thought to himself finally. I got him! This is why he slipped into Judas! Ultimately Jesus dies and the invisible Father raises his son back to life! Then as the devil seen this take place he ultimately knew then for a FACT! He was defeated HAHAH. Sorry had to add the laugh :p

    In the book of James we see that the scripture says even the demons believe and tremble. So obviously they do not know what is behind the veil in heaven. We definitely see Jesus in the Old Testament. We definitely know Jesus was not schizophrenic praying to himself! This would make Jesus a liar when he said he was praying to his father. My point of my view is if you are to try to make Jesus the Father then you are rejecting the son of God.

    I thank God for my understanding and all glory to God! He reveals all truth. And wisdom only come from above. When seeking wisdom? Pride will always be the mental blockage to understanding. Many confess they believe. But none can see a person’s heart, only God can! True faith does produce a good work! But that work is not what saves a person. Only the work of Jesus on the cross will save! Put faith in Jesus today? He is the ONLY way and provides new desires with an endless life with no more death. This world is fading away with all of its materialistic plastics? Ask yourself what Joy really does these things offer you?

    I have written my statement to help others possibly understand deeper and to leave my point of view. No one deserves grace! And we most definitely need God! And God most definitely does not need us. Thank you Father for your son Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross for me and others who do not even come close to deserving.

  2. Great dialog!!. First let me say that there are approximately 260 christian denominations in America; what are the chances that they are all of the same mind when it comes to their faith?? The Trinity is no where in the Bible (Huge red flag!!!). Jesus never used any other identifier than Father, the usage In John 14:28, Jesus said His Father was greater than He was. Does this mean He was greater than Himself?

    When Moses asked God, “What is your name?” God replied, “I AM THAT I AM.” Then Moses asked, “Who shall I say sent me?” God replied, “Tell them “I AM” sent you; huh God didn’t use the name “Yahweh???.” “Yahweh” is a transliteration of “YHWH” The Jewish levitical priests gave God the name “YHWH” to them it was sacred & no one, particularly an unclean non-Jewish person must be able to speak it as this is equated to blaspheme. They took the precaution of removing the vowels to make it as difficult as possible to figure out. I totally agree the Trinity is false as it would make God & Jesus liars.

    In the wilderness Jesus said to satan, “You shall worship the Lord your God & serve Him only. Here the Son of God clearly & emphatically states that there is only one God. Also, David in the spirit wrote, “My Lord said to my Lord, come set at My right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.” In John 14:28, Jesus said His Father was greater than He was. Does this mean He was greater than Himself? The Trinity theory is not biblical & it’s roots date back to the Egyptians (ie it’s pagan). As far as thoughts on “Our image & Likeness” the angels cannot create life, this leaves only one possibility; God was speaking to His Son. When Phillip said to Jesus, “Show us the Father & it will be sufficient.” Jesus responded, “Phillip, have you been with Me so long?” “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.”

    Jesus also stated that He & the Father are One. ( Yeshua is Jesus from the ancient Hebrew) Since God is Spirit according to Jesus how then would it be possible to create man in God’s & Jesus’s images & likenesses when God has no form?? Man is a sinner; so I may be possible that the dialogue was referencing Salvation? God’s a planner! It kinda depends on when Mankind fell from grace. God speaks for the most part in future tense. For example God told satan that He would place enmity between the woman’s seed & satan’s seed.” God in referring to the woman’s was seed was referring to Jesus. Also, God told satan, “You will strike my servant’s heel, but He will crush your head.” In both instances these took place millenniums ahead of time. We are constrained by time, but God is not. He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent & Omniscient with infinite abilities. There is literally nothing He cannot do. He is a God of love, mercy, forgiveness & goodness. One awesome Father! May God Bless you all.

    (Edited to delete long list of numerous Bible quotations and other issues. [See “About Comments” in The Fine Print heading on the top menu for more information.])

  3. Is not “Elohim” and “Yahweh” both masculine and feminine? and did not Elohim (Plural, masculine and feminine) say “let us” make man in “our” “image and likeness”, and then we read that Elohim made man “male and female”? From this I deduct that Elohim, being one is both He and Her (plural)..

    One who creates something must take from one’s self that which he creates, so when Elohim created man, male and female, in Elohim’s “image and likeness” we can conclude that the Elohim (plural) is both God and Goddess in one being. Therefore I conclude that when Elohim used the words “us” and “likeness and image”, Elohim was refering to plurality of gender, rather than how many individuals participated in the creation.

    • Thank you for your comment and for your unique perspective of deduction. I like the way you think.

      For myself, I don’t look at the situation as Elohim (or Yahweh) as being masculine AND feminine. So, I suspect any gender was created by the god(s) when the ‘adam’ creature was divided into two beings, each with a separation of attributes. In other words, God’s total attributes create gender only when separated. When combined in one being, there are no genders, only perfection of balanced attributes.

      This would mean that only the joining of humans would recreate a whole unit with all attributes. This does not negate what you are implying, only that the Hebrew words have not been interpreted as such.

      Other uses of Elohim (the -im suggests the masculine plural) could refer to possible gender, such as speaking of a judge or magistrate, or even a false god or goddess. But as a spiritual divine superhuman being, such as an angel or higher god-like creature of the heavenly realm, or God Almighty, I don’t think so.

  4. First off, I would like to thank the creator of this article. Not only for putting his thoughts in such an unoffensive manner, but also phrasing it to where it’s asking to consider rather than the all so common “I’m right and your going to accept it” mentality found countless times by myself as well many others too in our journey for understanding of God’s written word as well as trying to come to better relationship with the Father and Son. I believe that God has blessed you sir with wisdom. While I personally don’t agree 100% with everything you put in your original post, I do not believe you are nefarious in your intentions.

    Having said all that, with your permission I would like to put something else in the conversation for all to consider as well.

    1) Prior to the Roman Catholic Church’s self appointed authority over all things Christian, the books of Enoch, Book of Jubilees, as well as countless other “non canonical” books were found as parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is my belief that these scrolls were part of John the Baptist’s personal library if you will. With the advancement of the RCC in trying to replace God and Jesus they banned these books for the knowledge they contained. I would highly recommend the reading of these books and pray for God’s hand in understanding them as they in fact support the “canonical” books rather than what we have been taught in them opposing them.

    2) God is not the author of confusion. I have been told my entire life that there are parts to the Bible that we aren’t suppose to understand till we get to Heaven. That makes no sense to me as the Bible is our guidebook to getting there so of what good is it to us to get an understanding of certain scriptures there?

    3) Finally, and I thank your patience and indulging me to ramble. As has been stated numerous times in the remarks, God is not limited nor effected by time. Throughout the OT it shows many examples of the Father taking people from then to what we would define as the future, so what is to limit Him from doing the same of plucking someone from the future and having them appear or have some sort of impact on what we would call the past. I know this is probably a stretch, but the OT tells us in Jer 1:5 of God knowing us before we were born etc etc.

    I was raised Lutheran and since doing the studying and research myself instead of just listening to some guy with a white collar drone on for an hour about how I’m supposed to believe rather than study myself, I have since rejected the doctrine of a Trinity. In respect for not writing a book here myself, the Book of Enoch, Moses, David, Daniel, and many scriptures in the NT disprove this teaching and I pray that Our Father in Heaven gives each and every one of you His wisdom, discernment and peace. God Bless and ty.

    • Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to share your opinion on this article. Your comment, while longer than most, is not a ramble (as you suggested), but concise and to the point. I’m sure many appreciate your thoughts.

      Concerning your hints about time travel (point #3 above), that may have been a bit ‘far out’ a couple of generations ago, but many scientists now believe that could be possible, even for the feeble human mind to figure out.

        • God is a Holy and loving God. Sin nature was not part of Gods original design! God created the universe with such precision that the slightest change in any one of its properties would preclude our existence and God perfect design. We are made by Him, for Him, to have dominion over the earth. Satan deceived mankind and took the “dominion” of the earth for himself!

          Adam wasn’t originally created with sin, but he did have free will. He was tempted and rebelled. He chose to ignore Gods instruction, letting his carnal/flesh take over. God knew mankind would continue to rebel. So He allowed the generations of Adam and Eve’s offspring to be born with a sin nature. We are all born corrupt, averse to God and inclined to evil. We are selfish, we chose that, when we chose to rebel and allow our own desires to be above what God wants for us! That’s why Jesus says you have to be “born again”

          Adam was tempted by the serpent, and he gave in to the temptation – the result is our sinful nature. “So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men. (Rom 5:12-18)

          For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many.

  5. I offer 4 points of consideration (I mean no offense to any denomination):

    1) The Book of John 1-3

    2) No created beings can create anything, thus the host of heaven cannot create; and how is it that God, or His Son who possess infinite knowledge, wisdom, and intellect would require counsel? This seems incredibly farfetched. God, or His Son may question, but they know the answer before it is given. As Jesus (Yeshua) said, “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. (For knowledge)

    3) How is that anyone can deny the infinite power, mind, and creativity of the Sovereign Ruler of all His creation. He is God the Father. His Son Yeshua is the co-creator of all things seen, and unseen.
    It makes no sense to interpret this as God talking to Himself, or the angels, or any other created beings. There can be only One who fits the equation. God the Son: Jesus.

    4) Is not more likely that God was speaking in future tense? How many examples of God, or God the Son speaking in future tense are recorded in both the Old Testament, and New Testament? Open your mind, and consider this: God was speaking with His Son concerning God’s plan for reconciling man back to Himself. Since God is spirit, why would He, and His Son make flesh instead of spirit? How is flesh fallen, or (future fallen), in their Spiritual Image, and Likeness? I believe God meant Image, and Likeness through Salvation, for how else could God create perfection?

    God told the serpent (satan) that He would place enmity between satan’s seed, and the woman’s seed. Again, God is speaking of creating perfection through His Son’s divine sacrifice. God is not confined by space, or time. 1000 years is as day, and a day is as 1000 years. To Him our concept of time is irrelevant, as He has His own time table. (How did the Jewish religious rulers miss the 1st coming of the Messiah, and the fact that He would come twice?) “Misinterpretation.”

    I realize that many will out right reject what I have posted as either misinterpretation, or foolishness. I am not preaching, or attempting to tell anyone “how to believe”. But I feel that I have raised legitimate questions that cannot be ignored by true believers, or those who seek to understand spiritual things. Many Christians simply believe without question what the person behind the pulpit is telling them. (Jesus warned against false teachers.) I am only suggesting another possibility.

    I hold the belief that God’s will cannot be stopped. Also, He has repeatedly told man through the scriptures, and New Testament exactly what He intends to do, and in some cases 100’s, or 1000’s of years in advance. May God bless you, and may the Author, and Finisher of your faith (Jesus) move your hearts closer to God. For God is love, and the meaning of life is Love!

      • Read the scripture well, God is spirit, Jesus and God are one; Much as the word trinity is not written in the bible, it is evident everywhere that God has three Distinct beings in his head

        • The ancient Jews (before 2nd temple) believed that God was a Holy, untouchable, unseen spirit AND a physical manifestation on the earth 2 beings! All through the Old Testament you see “the Lord” or “Angel of the Lord”, communicating and interacting with the people. They believed that this was Gods representation on the earth-that’s why the Pharisees were so angry when Jesus said he was Gods son -they were expecting something else, someone more “God-like” !

          Even the book of 1Enoch talks about the “son of man”, and the “Lord of Spirits” being with the “Ancient of Days”. They were OF God, but distinctly different.

          Jesus said he would send The Comforter, so we could have Him with us all the time. Same God, different characteristics.

          An autistic boy once said:
          The Father thinks it
          The Son loves it
          The Holy Spirit does it
          Not by our spirit-His!

  6. Thank you very much for this article. I am truly blessed to have found it. I was confused (and confusion comes from satan himself) in relation to the word “us”. Jesus was with God in the beginning (first fruit) as specified in Genesis 1:1. That verse then referred me to John 1:1. After reading your article, which I discern the Holy Spirit led me to this morning, I discern Father has now given me peace in relation to Genesis 1:26. Thank you again and God bless.

    • Thank you for your comment and for your kind words. I am happy that you found this article of value. Many times God’s word is like a puzzle — we need to piece it together to get the correct message. I pray the Holy Spirit continues to guide you.

  7. I love the conversation dealing with many ideas, regarding why God say let us make a man in Our own image.

    yes, we are all have different ideas about this,I just want to share my Ideas that i believed the ONENESS of 1 GOD, 3 MANIFESTATION IN ONE GOD HEAD, THE 3FOLD MANIFESTATION, In old testament God manifest as FATHER in the new TESTAMENT GOD MANIFEST as SON, the the last days God manifest his Holy Spirit…

  8. El, the plural Elohim, elos, chronos, saturn, saturnus. All the same.

    Please don’t turn out just because of electric universe. This video is about Saturn.


    • Thank you for your comment. The ‘electric universe’ theory, formed in 1991, is a term for various ideas about the formation and existence of the universe, better explained by including electricity and magnetism, rather than by gravity alone. Although considered by many as “crazy talk”, it is being embraced by more scientists every day. Although I can’t publish the link you gave, my explanation is enough for additional research, if someone is interested.

  9. I am not a Christian, but would like to proffer this explanation for you from a Jewish perspective. I hope it is helpful to you. Elohim is a term not actually for G-d. They are the emanations of G-d, Adonai (praise be His Name) is G-d. Elohim are specifically: The Crown, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Temperance, Severity, Balance/Beauty, Victory, Splendor, Righteousness, and Sovereignty, or in Hebrew Keter, Chokmah, Binah, Da’at, Chesed, Geburah, Tipheret, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkut, or the Sephirot. It is through Elohim that En Sof, Limitless Being, created the tangible/limited Universe. So in Bereshit (Genesis) when Elohim speak, it is the “Voice of G-d” emanating through Elohim.

    In reference to the bi-part “Yahweh” as Christians say (for YHVH, the Tetragrammaton or ineffable name of G-d, which we do not actually pronounce) it is the Manifest (lesser aspect, or physical reality) and Unmanifest (the unknowable G-d). This still exists in Torah studies, especially with those who study Kabbalah. It is G-d in His multiple layers of existence rather than G-d in two parts. This is a complex concept as stated in the article, beyond explanation in short text.

    Our understandings of Torah are quite different, I realize, but I do believe it helpful to understand the words used in Torah as it was passed down to us from HaShem. We believe each was chosen specifically as a part of Creation. I think that there is much we can share and come together on in our journey to understanding Him.

    • Thank you for reading this discourse and offering your point of view. The Jewish perspective is appreciated.

      Most Christians have developed no restrictions upon the pronunciation of God-Almighty’s name and readily vocalize it. Elohim is many times translated for God the creator (and other times for humans, angels, etc.), whereas Yahweh is used as the personal name, (usually translated in all caps as LORD). Adonai is usually translated Lord (upper and lowercase) to avoid confusion.

      It is true that Elohim is actually a plural noun, although sometimes it is used as singular, therefore Elohim can mean several things (compare Genesis 1:1 and Deuteronomy 5:7). This is confusing since it is sometimes linked with a single verb and sometimes with a plural one. All this gets even more complicated with terms such as ‘YHWH Elohim’.

      Christians that wish deeper study, while reading the Hebrew scriptures, are always advised to use a study Bible, which may give notes about Hebrew usage. I agree that a short article gives little help in explaining Hebrew grammar.

    • Wow, Very informative info. Do you believe there were people on earth while Adam and Eve was in the garden? When God said in Genesis chapter 1, to be fruitful and multiply and to replenish the earth, I don’t think he was talking to Adam. Chapter 2 saids God made Adam from the dust of the ground and (placed) him in the garden to keep it. Also Adam and Eve we’re the only ones accessible to the of the knowledge of good and evil, which was in the garden. Also, it saids in chapter 1 that God ( created) men and women. In chapter 2 it saids he ( made not created) Adam from the dust of the ground. Which happened after he rested from all his work.

      • There may have been intelligent creatures on earth, but they must have been other than human, since God created/crafted/built/made/genetically engineered humans, as established in the book of Genesis.

        There were of course, angelic and other heavenly spiritual beings, and some suggest a reptilian being that Eve encountered in the garden (that snake, serpent, dragon). I doubt that many, or any, prehuman beings would have still been around. I believe it was only after being cast out of the garden that children were born, for it was Adam and Eve that were to fill the earth with people.

        You may enjoy the article “Genesis 1:28 – God tells Adam and Eve to ‘replenish’ the Earth. Was a previous civilization destroyed?” https://outlawbiblestudent.org/genesis-128-god-tells-adam-and-eve-to-replenish-the-earth-was-a-previous-civilization-destroyed/

  10. But in the Bible it say God was alone when man was created .So whoever translate the Scrip was. Not correct . God said I was alone so where did this US come from another psyop in the Bible that was written by Man.

  11. I just want to thank everyone who is responding to the original post. I am fairly new to my walk with God, and understanding Christ. I get so confused, so I really appreciate input and guidance.

    I’m taking notes now on the book of Genesis. I stumbled when I read God said “ let us make man in our image.” (1:26) Then next I read “God created man his own image.”

    I’m learning about God’s name being Elohim when in plural form. But then I get confused. Is it plural for God our father and Holy spirt? Since Jesus arrived at the NT, or is it Elohim for God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as God knew future and Jesus would be born to die for our sins. Help plz ❤️

    • I am glad you read this article, as well as the comments. I also appreciate that you shared your thoughts on the subject.

      And congratulations, you have more interest than most new Christians. About you being confused, just keep searching. It is like putting a jigsaw puzzle together; as the pieces snap into place, the picture gets clearer. We just have to have patience, as we learn. God will allow us to increase our knowledge and help us find it, if we are sincere in our search.

      He wants us to make our own decisions, based on the Bible, not on what other people say. He will guide you. In that respect, please read the article “Is that Gut Feeling a Message from God?” https://outlawbiblestudent.org/is-that-gut-feeling-a-message-from-god/

      Elohim is a general term for god or gods, it is used as a plural or singular noun, but does not usually apply to polytheistic situations, like the Trinity.

      Yes, God knows the future. But if the future is already known, how can we have free will? I attempted to give my own opinion on that in another article, “Foreknowledge, Predestination, and Free Will – Did God Know Humans Would Fail?” https://outlawbiblestudent.org/foreknowledge-predestination-and-free-will-did-god-know-humans-would-fail/

      Good luck in your journey for truth. And don’t worry about losing your salvation if you don’t have all the answers. That won’t happen if you are living and growing as a Christian should.

  12. “Why did God say: “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness?””

    I agree with Ray Hermann that God would have spoken to heavenly hosts. But It’s hard to believe biblically that there are small Gods in heaven. And I don’t agree that there are 2 Gods. Please check my previous comment. God is one who is supreme and no one has seen him or can see as He stays in an unapproachable light. He revealed himself as FATHER, SON AND HOLYSPIRIT from the ancient of days. He is called as Jehovah in OT and “JESUS” the saviour in NT. God is spirit. So He is often called as Holyspirit, Spirit of Father, Spirit of Jesus. It is as simple as it is but the mystery of Godliness is great.

    • Thank you for your comment. God Almighty lives outside of time and has always been. No man has ever seen him face-to-face. Jesus was created by God and has made appearances on earth before he was born a man. This is much too deep of a subject to treat fairly in a reply to a comment.

      There are a couple of articles that are related to this subject and I’ve listed them below.

      (1) “John 1:1 – Does this Bible verse prove Jesus is God?”
      (2) “Can you be a Christian and Not Believe in the Trinity?”

      • Jesus never said He was God. Instead He referred to God as the one who sanctified Him & sent Him into the world. Several times Jesus said He was sent. In fact, in the Book of John He said, “My doctrine is not my own, but Him who sent me.” Also, Book of John Jesus said, “My Father does the works (Miracles) & My Father told Me what to speak and so I speak it.” “Jesus also said My Father is greater than I.”

        If the Father, by Jesus’s own testimony, is greater than Him it would follow that Jesus is as He testified, “I am the Son of God.” Jesus’s primary mission was the reconciliation of man back to God; thus the “Lamb of God”. If you read the prophets, you will find verses such as “It pleases Him (God) to bruise Him, referring to Jesus’s suffering & death. God willed that His Son (Who was the only one who could pay our sin debt) perish.

        So, obviously per the Old & New Testaments we can see who sits on the highest throne in Heaven; God the Father. Father denotes ultimate wisdom, power & authority. Per your Trinity question. The answer is yes you can be a Christian. Trinity theory first appeared in Egypt thousands of years in the past The were pagans . The ancient Greeks had at or more than 2000 gods. If something is not in the Bible it is a construct of the evil one. He hates the truth & among other things loves to convince people (Christians) of falsehoods. Again, if it is not in the Word, it is patently false.

    • Thanks for sending your question. A “Pingback” is when the article is referenced by another website, blog, or article. In this case, my article was referenced by a Christian blogger in Europe. You can always click on the pingback link to see where it leads.

  13. It’s not really a pecking order or like a rank. God said no one comes to the Father except through Jesus raised to life. Jesus said this, if you acknowledge me in front of my Father, I will acknowledge you in front of my Father. The key word here is my, only in the Lords prayer does Our Father appear – for understanding Jesus above us.

    • Thank you for taking the time to read this post. And thank you for your comment, too.

      I believe, in the first reference, you are referring to John 14.6, “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’.” (ESV) Some interpret that he is saying there is only one standard of living to approach the Father that is acceptable. Some others say that since we are sinful and cannot approach the Father in person, we need Jesus as an intermediary.

      The other reference you made, I believe, is in reference to Matthew 10.32, “So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven,” (ESV) and means, by many commentators, that the only mediator between God and mankind is Jesus Christ.

      In the posted article, my comment about ‘pecking order’ was merely a play on words to suggest an administrative hierarchy. In such a case, a son is secondary than the father.

  14. I must admit many of your posts take me on a journey and the destination is not always what I would have expected. Two Yahwehs…hmmmm! That would explain many questions I have about the Trinity. I always thought the three-in-one idea was crazy, but an office of Yahweh with two members, one subordinate to the other, makes much more sense to me. You have really given me something to think about.

    • Dear Thunder22,

      Yes, there are competing theories in Christianity, but there is a reason for this. The Son of God testified that there would be many false teachers coming in His name. People are fallible & some in their zest latch onto that which was never taught by God or His Son. There is only One God, period. Anything else is false.

      If it’s not in the Bible it is in point of fact a lie. Please do not give up on faith in God & His Son (Our Redeemer) The Bible cannot & does not contradict itself. Trinity is no where in the Bible, so it must be false.

  15. Pingback: “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness?” – The Outlaw Bible Student – Christian Article – Christian Blog
  16. Could I suggest you and others interested in this give the Bible project podcast series on God a listen.
    Interesting thoughts all round


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