Imminent: Secrets to be Revealed – What Should a Christian Believe?

This world has many evil leaders representing all aspects of government and industry. And for a long time, most of these leaders have been devising greedy and deceiving schemes and incorporating dark secrets designed to obtain control of important assets as well as people. These leaders wish not to help anyone, but only to enrich …

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Was There Death in the Pot? – 2 Kings 4

The Bible foretells a great famine coming at the end of this age.1 Fortunately, so far not many of us have experienced such a disaster. But there were many famines in the ancient past which are described in some detail throughout God’s Holy Book. Our study portrays such an event that happened during one such …

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The Woman’s Place in Church

I received two letters, within the last couple of months, that raised issues concerning a woman’s place in church matters. The most recent missive asked a question about our ministry and a statement made on our website. The black bar across the top portion of all our web pages and posts contains an information section …

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Describing God and his Son – Not who, but WHAT are they?

Over the years, I’ve often been asked to describe God and Jesus; not who they are, but what they are. We humans are technically highly-formed creatures of the animal kingdom on earth, but how would we describe our creators, for they didn’t originate from our tiny and insignificant planet, in this vast universe that seems …

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What if there is no Rapture of the Church?

There are coming days of judgements mentioned in most religions, but this being a Christian website, that is where we will put our focus. But even within the followers of Jesus Christ, beliefs about the last days can get rather confusing with an abundance of ideas, theories, and doctrine within the dozens of Christian denominations. …

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Human History Missing Link Confirmed?

Scientists have said that early humans swung from trees a couple of million years ago and they now indicate that this theory has been confirmed, according to a recent article in the journal PaleoAnthropology. Fossils of Australopithecus sediba, discovered in South Africa, had fueled a scientific debate for the last 10 years, but “now researchers …

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Will A.I. & Transhumanism Replace God — What is Your Opinion?

There is a movement afoot to establish a new religious perspective. Instead of God being the rightful higher power we believe in, it would be Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). As A.I. technology moves toward becoming smarter than humans, many feel it will become godlike and they have visions of merging this super intelligence with humans to …

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Attack on Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia

In the city of Ufa, Russia, 22 Jehovah’s Witness members have recently been jailed for religious extremism and are at risk of up to 10 years in jail, according to Human Rights Watch.1 In 2017 the Russian Supreme Court targeted the JW religion and ordered their dissolution in Russia, because they seem as a threat, …

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What Do You Think About the New Happy Church?

I’ve been thinking about an article I recently read of how Christian churches are bending over backward to make their services happy events. By “happy events” I mean making sure their service makes you comfortable, making sure they never offend you, making sure they give the appearance of projecting their love into the congregation. It …

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Mind Reading & Retrieving Memories After Death: What Do You Think?

Here is some news about a strange new technology that seems like it is right out of a science fiction movie. Scientists in Israel have made a remarkable discovery that may unlock memories after people die. Dr. Ami Citri of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem was part of a team researching memory formation in mice. …

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