Sun Worship, Sex in the Bible, and Church Steeples: A Brief History of Pagan Rituals and Traditions Carried into the Christian Church

Throughout Egypt, from the beginning to the end of Egyptian history (circa 3000 B.C. – 400 B.C.), the sun was worshiped as the deity Ra (or Re). Ra was symbolized by a sun disk and thought to be the creator god, sun god, and god of the underworld. He was also god of the state, …

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Does God Approve of the Gay Lifestyle: How Should a Christian Treat Gays?

Many Christian churches are moving toward acceptance and approval of gay, lesbian, and transgendered people into their congregations. Currently, in the United States, the United Church of Christ celebrates gay marriage, and some parts of the Anglican and Lutheran churches allow for the blessing of gay unions.1 Even some Quaker groups approve of same-sex marriages …

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What do you think of robot sex?

For decades science fiction foretold of a strange future quite different from what it was at the time and a great many of the things predicted did, indeed, come true. Now another prediction seems to be on the periphery between fiction and fact – that of human sexual relations with robots. An article on the …

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