The Black Horse of Famine

In the last book of the Bible there is described a revelation, from Jesus to the Apostle John, about a great cataclysm coming upon earth. This calamity is a series of earth-wide events, preceding God’s destruction of the evil ruling powers now impacting humanity. After removing this evil, Jesus will usher in a new age …

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The Reason Jesus Turned Water Into Wine

The first miracle performed by Jesus was at a wedding in Cana, a village in Galilee, as opposed to another Cana in Coelo-Syria.1 Many academics believe this was a vibrant Jewish community in the lower Galilean region which included an extensive underground cave system. This was discovered by a recent archaeological dig just 8.5 miles …

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Sects of Judaism During the Time of Christ

When someone asks me how many sects of Christianity are there, my first answer is “Too many!” But after my curt reply, I explain Christianity has branches like Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, etc. These main groups can be divided into smaller groups, which are sometimes called sects. Even sects are often further divided into smaller subgroups.1 …

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Eunice & Lois: Mother & Grandmother of Timothy

Although Paul the Apostle gets all the credit for being Timothy’s mentor, the young boy’s introduction into the Christian faith must be attributed to the love expressed by his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois. This was not just the normal love of a mother and grandmother toward the child, but also their love for …

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Will God’s people eat animals in the future?

My feature photograph of the juicy hamburger was chosen for a psychological reason — so what kind of reaction did it receive from you? Does it make you hungry, happy, or is it unpleasant or distasteful? Do you see an acceptable and tasty choice for dinner, or a disgusting selection? Those emotions, among others, are …

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Manna – What is It?

The title of this article is a ‘play on words’ because of its redundancy; it is my way of having a little fun. Let me explain. I recently read an article by a woman who reflected upon a story from her early years of marriage. She wrote, “When my husband and I were first married …

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What is going to happen soon? – The Last Days are here, Part 1

It appears, if current reports are accurate, that the rumors of war may be approaching a definite confrontation in the near future. We hope not, but even if it can be delayed for a while, war will come, having been prophesied in the Bible (see Matthew 24:6-7). Although not fully exposed by the government controlled …

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Why Should Christians Stop Cussing?

“I don’t cuss!” The word ‘cuss’, of course, is a synonym for curse; you know, when someone communicates, either by speech or writing, using profane language. Although profanity was once considered offensive, today most people accept it is normal. But, if no longer offensive, there sure are many descriptive words and terms which mean the …

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The Philosophy of Evil

I’ve heard many secular statements explaining ‘evil’, but I will use a biblical source for the Christian definition. A Bible dictionary states that evil is “the presence of corruption, malevolence and depravity in the world, opposed to God’s nature and will. Scripture stresses that evil is a force in its own right, rather than the …

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Why is Evil Increasing?

It is impossible, in our world today, not to observe that evil is increasing. We see violence, resistance, and disagreement everywhere — on television, in newspapers, in towns and neighborhoods, and even within families. Evil is everywhere on planet earth; we see evil people and situations all around us and most have actually experienced it …

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