Did God really cause those hemorrhoids?

Does the Bible really convey a message about hemorrhoids? Yes, it does. But first, for the sake of accuracy, let’s read a brief description of this affliction, for it is necessary for the story about to be told. Hemorrhoids (or piles) are enlarged veins of the anus and rectum. They affect about 75 percent of …

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Complaining, Grumbling, Whining, Murmuring — What Does the Bible Say?

While in the check out line at a small discount store the other day, I watched as a customer complained about the person in front of her having a few too many items for the express lane. Her voice was loud and angry and she kept berating the offender and store employee over such an …

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Is that Gut Feeling a Message from God?

Science Reveals God’s Majesty Series I remembered hearing, on the news some time back, of someone having experienced apprehension when arriving at the airport to board a plane and decided not to travel. You can see where I’m going with this; yes the plane crashed and she avoided death. I’ve never had such a dramatic …

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Gun Control — A Conservative Christian’s Perspective

On our front door at home are three decals. One says Christians Unite – Luke 22:36, another indicates our National Rifle Association support, and finally, one that supports the agenda of the Three Percenters1 (see reference for intriguing details, especially for our British readers). Those public displays indicate that the residents of this home believe …

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John 1:1 – Does this Bible verse prove Jesus is God?

The most common doctrine taught in Christian churches, about the relationship between God and Jesus, is that they are one and the same. Both, along with the Holy Spirit, are considered a single “Godhead.” This three-in-one approach to Jesus’ identity is really just a theory – a dogmatic point of view that did not exist …

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Foreknowledge, Predestination, and Free Will – Did God Know Humans Would Fail?

There is probably little in Christianity as controversial as whether or not God knew all the future details of our world. Was our human history laid out even before it started? Are our past, present, and future following a precise path toward a preplanned destiny? If so, is it even possible for humans to exercise …

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Will A.I. & Transhumanism Replace God — What is Your Opinion?

There is a movement afoot to establish a new religious perspective. Instead of God being the rightful higher power we believe in, it would be Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). As A.I. technology moves toward becoming smarter than humans, many feel it will become godlike and they have visions of merging this super intelligence with humans to …

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Greeting People: in Bible Times & Now

I was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana during the first half of the last century, so you know I’m upwards in age. I’m not living there now, but it is a very cool place from which to have grown up and, even as an adult, it was fun. Drive-up daiquiri shops were as …

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“Put your hand under my thigh” — What is that all about?

If one man said to another man, “put your hand under my thigh,” that request probably would not seem very strange in today’s openly sinful homosexual culture, but for one of God’s chosen people to do so would be rather weird. However that is exactly what happened in ancient Bible times, so there must be …

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Define ‘Christian’ for Me

A recent message came into my office asking, “Define ‘Christian’ for me. That word gets thrown around, with no clear definition. If possible, use the Bible to define it.” I’ve gotten many similar questions over the years and the writer of that message makes a good underlying point. Authors and speakers keep using this word …

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