Should Women Really be Silent in Church?

Over the years I’ve often been asked, by women, if I believed women should really be silent in religious instruction, as it says in the Bible. They were all seeking comment or advice in reference to 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, which states: “Women should be silent during the church meetings. It is not proper for them …

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God’s Sixth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Kill

Specifically, the Ten Commandments,1 also known as the Decalogue, were given by God to the Israelites at Mount Sinai, after Moses led the people of Israel out of slavery from Egypt, about 1440 B.C. It was part of the covenant between them and Jehovah. Obeying this list of commandments was a heavy burden for the …

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Who is The Outlaw Bible Student?

I have received some email asking for background material on The Outlaw Bible Student. I thank everyone that wrote and I sincerely appreciate your interest. This information is, actually, already onsite, however it is hidden in the site’s menu bar under “About OBS” and not easily recognized. So, I decided to post this information as …

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Does God Approve of the Gay Lifestyle: How Should a Christian Treat Gays?

Many Christian churches are moving toward acceptance and approval of gay, lesbian, and transgendered people into their congregations. Currently, in the United States, the United Church of Christ celebrates gay marriage, and some parts of the Anglican and Lutheran churches allow for the blessing of gay unions.1 Even some Quaker groups approve of same-sex marriages …

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Looking at Life Through a Rear View Mirror

My wife and I recently went on a boat trip through some areas of Puget Sound in northwest Washington. It was one of those short cruises in the evening where dinner is served and you can see the islands during the remaining day light while going out, but dusk and darkness allows you to see …

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What do you mean, Christ died for our sins?

When the question is asked about why did Jesus need to die, it is usually answered, “He died for our sins.” Few people ask for further explanation, but when some do they get such answers as: “So that we could be forgiven,” or “He gave his life for ours.” While those answers may be correct, …

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