Changing Times and Future Hope

When I was twenty years old, back in 1963, an American singer-songwriter named Bob Dylan1 wrote a song in an “attempt to create an anthem of change for the time.” The song is titled ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’.2 That happened sixty years ago and the times did change. But the point I’m making today …

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More About the Rainbow Flag

I recently read a very good article about the LGBTQ rainbow flag, in Wisconsin Christian News. The author was Rob Pue, an ordained minister and the founder of the newspaper. He was writing about a recent community bike ride in his city called the Annual Naked Bike Ride. This social crusade, which began in Spain …

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Biblical Questions Concerning LGBT Issues

I wrote about gay and transgender issues about five years ago, but continue to get questions concerning those groups and what is God’s point-of-view on the LGBT lifestyle. Those descriptive alphabet characters change over time, but currently the official identification is LGBTQIA+ and they stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transvestite, questionable/queer, intersex, asexual, and ‘plus …

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More About Demons

I’ve written several articles about demons over the years, but many readers of this website still don’t believe in these creatures. Most think of demons only as mythological entities, having neither factual credibility, nor historic validity. That is understandable, because we have been taught this in schools, and it has also been implied in some …

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What are the ‘Powers of Darkness’ that Paul the Apostle talked about?

According to the Holy Bible, it has been approximately six thousand years from the beginning of humanity (the creation of Homo sapiens sapiens1) to the end of this particular time period in which we now live – this age of Grace. God has spent that entire time educating humankind with the proper knowledge necessary to …

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What is God’s Divine Council?

For a moment, let us speculate about something on the fringe of biblical knowledge. Unlike other animals, God Almighty gave humans a brain with the unique ability to construct logical possibilities, so let’s do that. Since it is good to expand our opinions and think ‘outside the box’ once in a while, we will call …

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Was There Death in the Pot? – 2 Kings 4

The Bible foretells a great famine coming at the end of this age.1 Fortunately, so far not many of us have experienced such a disaster. But there were many famines in the ancient past which are described in some detail throughout God’s Holy Book. Our study portrays such an event that happened during one such …

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Positive Thinking in a World Going Crazy

Our thoughts contribute to how our body handles disease. “Depression, anxiety, stress, anger, and fear all have widespread and well-documented physiological effects which can affect essential aspects of our biochemistry, from hormone production, to our perception of pain.”1 Negative attitudes may actually determine if we are to become infected in an epidemic or if some …

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Crucifixion thoughts & How did they get the nails out?

Crucifixion became an important method of capital punishment in the Roman Republic from the 6th century BC and continuing for several hundred years after Christ’s death. This execution style was finally abolished in the Roman Empire, during the 4th century AD, by Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor of Rome.1 When first originated by …

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