Satan’s Strategies of Attack — How to Protect Yourself

When we come face-to-face with a moral decision, we sometimes make the wrong judgement call and compound a problem, rather than solve it. Many then just chalk it up to human nature and move on. Others, however, will feel some guilt, at least for a while. If you include yourself in this latter group (guilt), …

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Angels from Heaven or Aliens from Outer Space?

In a prior article, I wrote about a time when someone asked me, “Do you believe in aliens?” I answered, “Yes, I believe that.” Then he asked another question, “Do you think they are here now?” Once again, I answered, “Yes.” He was, of course, not talking about legal or illegal migrants from other countries …

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Eating Blood & Blood Transfusions — one Christian’s Opinion

I was once asked by an atheist, “Why do Christians talk about blood so much?” I guess some people think we have a strange and unhealthy relationship or interest in blood. But to Christians, blood is more than just delivering nutrients and oxygen to the cells in our body and removing their waste products. Having …

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Slavery, Race, and Reparations – Did God Curse Black People?

I have to admit that I found it a bit difficult to write this article, because I neither wanted to hurt anyone’s feelings, nor poke holes into anyone’s core beliefs. There is no political or “racial” agenda involved in writing this, but still I hesitated because it is such a touchy subject. The only agenda …

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It is Time to Get Right with God — End of Age Events are Starting

A lot of bad things have been happening in the world recently and each day seems to be worse than the previous one. Where is this world headed? The quarantine and social distancing, brought on by the viral pandemic, have become not a protection, but a punishment of solitary confinement and fear. Governments have used …

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Do You Raise Your Hands in Church?

“Why do some people raise their hands in Church?” This is a question or subject that comes up occasionally in general conversation and even from within my own family. For many, this ‘hand raising’ is rather odd if they attend conservative denominational church services. Although more common today than the middle of the last century …

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The Roman Government at the Time and Place of Jesus the Superstar

This article is going to be a little weird — like me, I guess. We will cover a bit of background concerning the Roman government during New Testament times, but the last half of this discourse, although related, is a personal reflection from early in my adult life. So, let’s get started. Jesus’ life story …

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Cannibalism – What Does the Bible Say?

Someone would be hard-pressed to imagine something more troubling or macabre than the taboo of eating human flesh. Now, in the animal kingdom, cannibalism is fairly common and found in more than fifteen hundred species, but this activity is rare in humans, just maybe not as rare as you might expect. Once, during a study …

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Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): Voices of Ghosts or Not? — A Biblical Perspective

A belief in ghosts is very common. Worldwide, more than half the population believe in ghosts or spirits of the dead. A lot of years ago, I did, too, although I never had any personal contact. Before a study of God’s word to guide me, I thought this belief was true, because that concept was …

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When & How Do People Get Their Souls?

Most Christians believe in something called a human soul that survives death. The questions of when and how a person obtains that soul, whatever it is, have been discussed and debated throughout Christian history. It is no different today, especially for those who are trying to determine abortion law. Although atheists don’t believe in God, …

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