Fruit of the Spirit – Works of the Flesh

While most Christians believe that the Ten Commandments are essential to their faith, some believe the other laws given in the Old Testament are irrelevant. They say that Christians are not bound by the Law of Moses. One person with this attitude raised the question, “What was the purpose of the law, if we no …

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There are Two Bethlehems — In Which One was Jesus Born?

I received an email from one of my daughters the other day. She wrote, “Since riding a donkey when pregnant would have been so hard for Mary, do you think Jesus was born in the other Bethlehem, which is closer to Nazareth?” She was, of course, inquiring about the journey Joseph and Mary made just …

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Why Did God’s Chosen People Stay in Egypt After the Famine?

Over the years, I’ve studied, and attended lectures, about Jacob and the ‘Twelve Tribes of Israel’ living a good life in Egypt during the early days of their exile. This also includes studying about Moses and his rescue of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt hundreds of years later. The problem is that not much …

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Tamar had Sex with Her Father-In-Law: Levirate Marriage Gone Wrong — Genesis 38

The Holy Bible is a book about God, and about the history of humankind and their redemption from sin. Within that context, there is much within the biblical record about the subject of marriage. Sexually, marriage was created and emphasized as a monogamous arrangement between male and female (Genesis 2:21-24), both physically and mentally (Matthew …

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Life is in the Blood: Leviticus 17:11 — Is Sin in the Blood, too?

We talk about blood a lot. “We are related by blood.” “Blood is thicker than water.” “I gave you my blood, sweat, and tears.” “That makes my blood boil.” You can probably think of more such sayings. These statements are rather common and, as one author said, “It seems we humans are hard-wired to ‘know’ …

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Biological Machines are Coming — Is this God’s Will?

Lately, research shows that drawing a line between where being human ends and being a machine begins is becoming harder to establish. It seems that fictional characters like ‘Data’ (Day-ta) or the ‘Borg’, of Star Trek, may not be fictional in the future. A couple of years ago, I wrote an article about Artificial Intelligence …

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The Coming Great Deception — Matthew 24:24

Many Christian writers and some Christian preachers keep bringing up the idea that we are living in the ‘end times’ as described in the Bible. The evidence for this possibility is well established and many Christians believe what these writers and preachers are saying. But what, exactly, are the ‘end times’? If you don’t know …

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Yes, you are being deceived — We all are!

Do you believe in devils and demons? Do you believe in invisible spirits who roam the earth entrapping people to do Satan’s will? Do you believe these entities are very real intelligent living beings, or do you believe they are they just metaphors used for people with evil personalities? Once someone asked me how, in …

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Love — First Mentioned Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit Series: Galatians 5:22-23 One day, long ago, someone approached me after a sermon and said, “We humans are nothing other than just one of many animals on earth. We were just lucky that our brain evolved higher and, therefore, set us apart from every other creature on the planet.” To that …

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Genesis 37:3 — A Few Notes About Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors

Joseph, whose descendants became one of the twelve tribes of Israel, was the son of Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel) and his wife Rachel. As a teenager, he was sold into Egyptian slavery by his brothers, but God watched over him and he rose to become the second most powerful man in Egypt. …

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