Does God’s Law say a Husband can only have One Wife?

Can a man have more than one wife? Most Christians today would answer “no,” but there are a few that say the Bible isn’t clear on this subject. And some bring up the historical fact that many of the Bible’s male characters had more than one wife. Abraham, Moses, and King Solomon are just a …

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Ephesians 6:12: Satan, Fallen Angels, & Demons — the Real Enemies of Our Faith

This article is on the bizarre side, but I ask for your patience and to please give it some serious thought. What I present is in your Bible and there is supporting evidence in other religious and academic texts that are all referenced. All I ask is that you keep an open mind, think outside …

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It is Time to Get Right with God — End of Age Events are Starting

A lot of bad things have been happening in the world recently and each day seems to be worse than the previous one. Where is this world headed? The quarantine and social distancing, brought on by the viral pandemic, have become not a protection, but a punishment of solitary confinement and fear. Governments have used …

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Christ’s Return Prophecies — the Signs of the End of this Age in Matthew 24

We hear some talk about how the current time may be the end of the age — that promised time when Jesus will return, as he prophesied. Through all the years, since Jesus’ walked on earth, each generation of Christians believed he would soon return, maybe even during their own lifetime. Obviously, they were all …

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Just thinking out loud about this Coronavirus and the Bible — Is there something suspicious going on?

I always enjoy listening to other people’s ideas and thoughts, because one never knows when something may be heard that was never considered before. If someone has a better idea or a better grasp of some issue, knowing what they think helps me, too. And sometimes, knowing more about them, I am able to offer …

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When the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Ride — Revelation 6

Throughout two thousand years of Christian history, and several hundred years longer in Jewish history, the idea of an apocalypse has been studied. This predicted cataclysm is a series of earth-wide events, preceding God’s destruction of the evil ruling powers impacting humanity. Although previously implied and even promised, these events are symbolically described in detail …

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God, Aliens, & UFOs

Someone asked me, the other day, if I believed that aliens were here. They weren’t talking about legal or illegal people from a foreign country living in the United States, but of intelligent beings, other than human, from outside the earth’s boundaries. This isn’t the first time I’ve been asked this question and it is …

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Daniel’s Friends were Thrown into the Fire

A Study of Daniel Chapter 3 Most times that I’ve brought up the story in the Book of Daniel about the three Hebrew boys being thrown into the fiery furnace, people respond to the event as being mostly just a child’s Bible story. It is a good story with life applications for youngsters trying to …

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Dispensationalism: A Tool for Bible Interpretation

There is a biblical interpretation system, called dispensationalism, that identifies basic time periods or historical ages in which God dispensed methods of organization, law, and government to humankind. A popular Bible dictionary indicates that the word dispensation comes from the Greek oikonomia which means “management” and the first definition listed is “the method or scheme …

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Attack on Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia

In the city of Ufa, Russia, 22 Jehovah’s Witness members have recently been jailed for religious extremism and are at risk of up to 10 years in jail, according to Human Rights Watch.1 In 2017 the Russian Supreme Court targeted the JW religion and ordered their dissolution in Russia, because they seem as a threat, …

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