Who is Satan and How Do You Fight Him?

During ancient times, many people, thought that a belief in Satan was only superstition, and even today many think of Satan only as a figure of speech or an imaginary figment of the imagination to blame when things go wrong or when we find ourselves involved in some unethical behavior. But Jesus Christ knew the …

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A Bible Murder Mystery: Genesis 4 — The Story of Cain and Abel

The most famous murder in the Bible is the first one, when Cain killed his brother, Abel. Facts of the physical homicide are plainly stated, so this murder mystery is not an investigation to figure out who was the perpetrator, but what was his motive for committing the crime, and why God handled it the …

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The Harlot Sisters – A Study of the X-Rated Story in Ezekiel 23

Chances are that most people have not read or heard about the story in Ezekiel, chapter 23. This is one of those “X-rated” chapters of the Bible, which may be occasionally referred to, but never read in church. It is a dire but foretelling story showing that God has a great deal of patience and …

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Can the Bible Teach Us to Be Organized?

A friend recently asked me how I’m able to get so much accomplished every day. I thought this an odd question, because I always feel that I’m not accomplishing enough. She said I was a workaholic, but I guess, it’s all relative, so to speak—a ‘little’ to some people can be a ‘lot’ to others. …

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Angels—What are They?

To most people, an “angel” is a catchall word for all spirit beings living in God’s heavenly realm. In reality, there are several different kinds of beings besides angels, but since this article is basically an introduction to the subject of Judeo-Christian angelology, angels are what we will focus upon. What are angels, anyway—spirits of …

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Romance, Passionate Love, Sexual Pleasures—What Does the Bible Say?

The Church has changed a lot since the time Christ walked on earth, especially since the Bible came to be easily available to almost everyone. But there are a few things that haven’t changed much at all. Take the subject of sex, for example. We talk about sexual immorality as a problem and can look …

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Can the Salt of the Earth Lose Its Flavor?

Chapter 5 of the book of Matthew starts off with Jesus listing the Beatitudes, given in the Sermon on the Mount. These items are the characteristics of true believers. Immediately following these blessings, Jesus gives what is called the Similitudes about salt and light, which describe the functions of our Christian character. This study will …

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Why did some ancient people get their name changed—and what is that about a white stone and new name for us?

I have covered some of this biblical information about people’s names in bits and pieces of other articles over the last few years, but never consolidated the data into a study of its own. We will look into how people’s names during bible times were chosen, and more importantly, why were they sometimes changed into …

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Are Christians Required to Tithe?

Have you ever heard a Pastor tell his congregation that it is not necessary to tithe? Well, although I may get a lot of criticism for writing this article, let me state right here and now that there is no New Testament authority for mandatory giving of money to the Church. Tithing was part of …

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Is it Karma?

The other day, someone I know was relating something that happened in a department store parking lot. He was waiting as an automobile backed out and left a parking space, but before he could drive his car into the space himself, another vehicle approaching from the other direction zipped into it. Sound familiar? When things …

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