When the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Ride — Revelation 6

Throughout two thousand years of Christian history, and several hundred years longer in Jewish history, the idea of an apocalypse has been studied. This predicted cataclysm is a series of earth-wide events, preceding God’s destruction of the evil ruling powers impacting humanity. Although previously implied and even promised, these events are symbolically described in detail …

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Cannibalism – What Does the Bible Say?

Someone would be hard-pressed to imagine something more troubling or macabre than the taboo of eating human flesh. Now, in the animal kingdom, cannibalism is fairly common and found in more than fifteen hundred species, but this activity is rare in humans, just maybe not as rare as you might expect. Once, during a study …

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Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): Voices of Ghosts or Not? — A Biblical Perspective

A belief in ghosts is very common. Worldwide, more than half the population believe in ghosts or spirits of the dead. A lot of years ago, I did, too, although I never had any personal contact. Before a study of God’s word to guide me, I thought this belief was true, because that concept was …

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What are Demons and the Nephilim? — and that Mayhem before the Flood of Noah?

I have written about Satan, his fallen angels, and have even mentioned the nephilim in past articles, now we will study the basics concerning demons and their creation. There is a lot of confusion about demonic creatures, which I believe is caused by the misuse of terms identifying these creatures in Christian churches, as well …

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Do we go to Heaven when we die? Do people see Heaven during a Near Death Experience?

I recently received a letter from a visitor to our website who was writing because an article conflicted with what they had been taught. She wrote, “Jesus said ‘I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; …

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God’s Sixth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Kill

Specifically, the Ten Commandments,1 also known as the Decalogue, were given by God to the Israelites at Mount Sinai, after Moses led the people of Israel out of slavery from Egypt, about 1440 B.C. It was part of the covenant between them and Jehovah. Obeying this list of commandments was a heavy burden for the …

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What do you mean, Christ died for our sins?

When the question is asked about why did Jesus need to die, it is usually answered, “He died for our sins.” Few people ask for further explanation, but when some do they get such answers as: “So that we could be forgiven,” or “He gave his life for ours.” While those answers may be correct, …

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