Abram’s Sister-Wife: How Sarai Become Part of Pharaoh’s Harem

There is a situation in Genesis, when God’s selected righteous person appears to lie, which caused his wife to suffer a rather awkward dilemma. Abram (his name is later changed to Abraham) says to his wife, Sarai, “I know that you are a woman beautiful in appearance, and when the Egyptians see you, they will …

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HALLELUJAH — David & Bathsheba, Samson & Delilah, Music, Sex, and a Kitchen Chair

Yes, that is an odd title, but if you have read some of my stuff, you already know how weird I am. If you haven’t figured out what the title refers to, read on; it will all come together, soon. I have gotten into the habit of listing a song related to my subject matter …

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God’s Second Commandment — and the Four Generations Curse

After the enslaved Israelites were delivered out of Egypt, ten major commands were given by God to Moses upon Mount Sinai. This was part of the contract or covenant between God and his people and it introduced fundamental rules for worship and social ethics. These rules were written upon two tablets of stone called the …

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The Science of Sin — is Evil Inherited?

Science Reveals God’s Majesty Series Some time ago, I tried to explain the concept of inherited sin to someone. I went through the whole spiel, you know, about Adam and Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden. I explained that it was at that point in history when sin (a rebellious nature or …

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Do Animals have Souls? — Do Animals Go to Heaven?

Many of the articles I write come from questions I have been asked. The topic of this discourse was made possible by a woman who asked me: “Will my pet go to heaven, too?” Obviously she expected to get to that heavenly paradise and really wanted to meet her pet when the inevitable happened. She …

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Christ’s Return Prophecies — the Signs of the End of this Age in Matthew 24

We hear some talk about how the current time may be the end of the age — that promised time when Jesus will return, as he prophesied. Through all the years, since Jesus’ walked on earth, each generation of Christians believed he would soon return, maybe even during their own lifetime. Obviously, they were all …

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Enoch and Elijah: Are they Dead or in Heaven?

The question of Enoch’s and Elijah’s demise is still argued by scholars and lay people after all these thousands of years, since their biblically recorded disappearance. Enoch was the father of Methuselah and ancestor of Noah, and the author of the apocalyptic Book of Enoch. He vanished, literally, after only 365 years of life. Besides …

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Do You Raise Your Hands in Church?

“Why do some people raise their hands in Church?” This is a question or subject that comes up occasionally in general conversation and even from within my own family. For many, this ‘hand raising’ is rather odd if they attend conservative denominational church services. Although more common today than the middle of the last century …

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Judas Iscariot — Ally or Traitor of Jesus?

Recently, I received an email concerning Judas and it asked the question, “What was Judas thinking when he betrayed Jesus?” For someone with such a prominent role in Jesus’ ministry, you would think there would be much information about this person’s personal life reflected from the descriptions in the texts, but that is not the …

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Just thinking out loud about this Coronavirus and the Bible — Is there something suspicious going on?

I always enjoy listening to other people’s ideas and thoughts, because one never knows when something may be heard that was never considered before. If someone has a better idea or a better grasp of some issue, knowing what they think helps me, too. And sometimes, knowing more about them, I am able to offer …

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